Masorti Germany works actively with its European partners. The main goal is to get to know each other better and to facilitate a lively exchange among the European Masorti organizations, in cooperation with the head organizations in Israel and the United States.
Masorti Germany is the internationally recognized central Masorti organisation in Germany.

exchange of experiences in community work and teaching; development of common perspectives
Masorti Communities
exchange of experience and cooperation
Jewish Students and Marom
getting to know each other, build connections,
exchange of ideas and perspectives
Masorti Germany is accredited as a hosting, coordinating and sending organisation in the European Voluntary Service of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action.

You wish to do your European Voluntary Service with Masorti Germany or to be sent abroad in an EVS project (for young people living in Germany only)? Please have a look at our EVS flyers in German,
English, French or Lithuanian.
Since 2012, we organise our own pre-departure seminars in the European Voluntary Service (EVS). The main objective of these seminars is to provide information about the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme, the European Voluntary Serive and the Youthpass. It is also important to learn about tasks and responsibilities of the EVS partners, discuss the different concepts of "Europe" and "Intercultural Learning" and think about the volunteers' expectations.
The European Voluntary Service is funded by the Erasmus+ of the European Commission.