MASORTI Kindergartens (1 to 6 years)
"For jewish families who are looking for a warm and natural jewish environment."
Masorti Kindergartens I and II

Masorti Germany is head organisation to two Kindergartens in Berlin Wilmersdorf.
The two Kindergartens are in proximity of each other, both use a large garden area for outside activities.
The Kindergartens I and II offer 75 places for children from 1 to 6 years in five bilingual mixed-age groups
(three German-Hebrew, two German-English groups).
In each group, we employ two teachers. More than half of our one to six year-old children are from families with migration background.
The first Masorti Kindergarten was founded by Rabbi Gesa Ederberg in September 2004, when seven children attended the Gan. When Rachel Herweg PhD became director of the Kindergarten after one and a half years, the Gan was attended by 25 children. After the move to new premises in April 2007, the Masorti Kindergarten offered places for 45 children.
Thanks to funds from the federal economic stimulus package and from a federal programme for the development of child care for children under 3 years, we opened a second Masorti Kindergarten with 30 places in September 2010.
In the Masorti Kindergartens

- we offer kosher (dairy) organic food with fish, prepared in our own kitchen
- we implement the Berlin Educational Programme in Jewish Early Childhood Education
- the year builds itself around the Jewish Holidays
- Gender-Equitable communication of Jewish Content and Symbols is essential
- the pedagogical work takes the individual needs of the children into account
- a variety of methodological approaches is used: "Situationsansatz" (situational approach), Systemic,
Intercultural and Experiental Education
- communication with the parents is crucial to our work
Both Masorti Kindergartens are members of the DaKS, head organisation to Berlin Kindergartens and after-schools (website in German only).
The Berlin Senate finances 93% of the Kindergarten budget according to the "Kita-Rahmenvereinbarung" (RV) Tag.
The parents contributions are determined by the Berlin Senate. Masorti charges an additional 50€ per month and a one-time payment of 70€ at the start of the contract.
At the DaKS Website you can find all legal documents with regards to child-care in Berlin (in German only).
If you wish to contact the Kindergartens, please send us an Email.
The Masorti Kindergartens host volunteers in several federal, european and international voluntary programmes. If you are interested in a voluntary service with us, please send your CV and motivation letter per Email.