The Jewish communities in Germany and the German speaking countries are more active than ever. But this positive development also shows that there is a lack of pedagogical material in German on all levels of education and training.
This is especially true regarding children's books with jewish content, but also regarding publications for jewish services. Many publications exist only in Hebrew or English, but not in German.
We therefore work on publications for Jewish services, children's books and teaching materials in German, for example:

"Yad latorah - a guide for Gabbaim and Torah leaders", based the original by Kenneth S. Goldrich,
published by the USCJ. Masorti Germany has translated and adapted this booklet at the occasion of a seminar for Gabbaim.
Rabbi Ederberg and Gabriele Brenner have created a workbook for Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union that combines learning German and training in Jewish literacy.
Masorti Germany also hopes to translate Jewish-themed English-language children's books into German in order to create German material for our pre-school students.
You can order now:

Judentum Verstehen
This booklet in German introduces Judaism and its history.
It is published by Studienkreis für Tourismus und Entwicklung e.V.
Future projects:
A bentsher for children with illustrations, transliteration and information about the most important brachot.
A luach (calender) for the Synagogue with detailed instructions in German. Based on the Luach of Kenneth S. Goldrich, published by the USCJ.
A bentsher in German translation and transliteration, accompanied by a russian bentsher with identical pages.
If you are interested or have questions, please send us an email: info(at)